One of the selling points of server-side Swift is that you get to use the same tools that you’re used to on the client. One of these tools is Grand Central Dispatch. Dispatch is one of the best asynchronous toolboxes in terms of its API and abstractions, and getting to use it for the Beacon server is an absolute pleasure.

While there’s a broader discussion to be had about actors in Swift in the future, spurred by Chris Lattner’s concurrency manifesto, and perhaps in the future some of the patterns for asynchronous workers will change, for now, Dispatch is the best tool that we have.

On the client, we rely on Dispatch for a few reasons. Key among them, and notably irrelevant on the server, we use Dispatch to get expensive work off the main thread to keep our UIs responsive. While the server does not have this need specifically, services with faster response times (under 250ms per request) are used more often than those that are slower. (Other uses of Dispatch, like synchronization of concurrent tasks and gating access to resources, is similarly valuable on both platforms.)

To make requests faster, a lot of nonessential work can be deferred until after the consumer’s request has been responded to. Examples of this are expensive calculations or external side effects, like sending email or push notifications. Further, some code should be executed on a regular basis: hourly or daily or weekly.

Dispatch is well-suited for these types of tasks, and in this post, we’ll discuss how Dispatch usage is similar relative to the client. My experience here is with the framework Vapor, though I suspect much of this advice holds true for other frameworks as well.

Your server app is long running. Some web frameworks tear down the whole process between requests, to clear out any old state. Vapor doesn’t work like this. While each request is responded to in a synchronous fashion, Vapor will respond to multiple requests at the same time. The same instance of the application handles these requests. This means that if you want something to happen, but don’t want to block returning a response for the current request, you can follow your intuition and use DispatchQueue.async to kick that block to another queue for execution, and return the response immediately.

A concrete example of this is firing off a push notification in reaction to some request the user makes: the user makes a new event and the user’s friends need to be notified. If you don’t use Dispatch for this, then the response to the user will be delayed by however long it takes to successfully send the push notification payload to an APNS server. In particular, if you have many push notifications to send, this can greatly delay the user’s request. By deferring this until after the user’s request is responded to, the request will return faster. Once the side effect is deferred, it can take as long it needs to without affect the user’s experience.

Lastly, sometimes you want to delay push notifications by a few seconds so that if the user deletes the resource in question, the user’s friends aren’t notified about an object that doesn’t exist. To accomplish this, you can swap async for asyncAfter, just as you would expect from your client-side experience.

You can’t use the main queue. The “main” queue is blocked, constantly spinning, in order to prevent the progam from ending. Unlike in iOS apps, there’s no real concept of a run loop, so the main thread has no way to execute blocks that are enqueued to it. Therefore, every time you want to async some code, you must dispatch it to a shared, concurrent .global() queue or to a queue of your own creation. Because there is no UI code, there’s no reason to prefer the main thread over any other thread.

Thread safety is still important. Vapor handles many requests at once, each on their own global queue. Any global, mutable data needs to be isolated behind some kind of synchronization pattern. While you can use Foundation’s locks, I find isolation queues to be an easier solution to use. They’re slightly more performant than locks, since they enable concurrent reads, and they work exactly the same way on the server as they do on iOS.

Semaphores are good for making async code synchronous. Other Swift server frameworks work differently, but Vapor expects the responses to requests to be synchronous. Therefore, there’s no sense in using code with completion blocks. APIs like URLSession’s dataTask(with:completionHandler:) can be made synchronous using semaphores:

extension URLSession {
    public func data(with request: URLRequest) throws -> (Data, HTTPURLResponse) {
        var error: Error?
        var result: (Data, HTTPURLResponse)?
        let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)

        self.dataTask(with: request, completionHandler: { data, response, innerError in
            if let data = data, let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse {
                result = (data, response)
            } else {
                error = innerError


        if let error = error {
            throw error
        } else if let result = result {
            return result
        } else {
            fatalError("Something went horribly wrong.")

This code kicks off a networking request and blocks the calling thread with semaphore.wait(). When the data task calls the completion block, the result or error is assigned, and we can call semaphore.signal(), which allows the code to continue, either returning a value or a throwing an error.

Dispatch timers can perform regularly scheduled work. For work that needs to occur on a regular basis, like database cleanup, maintenance, and events that need to happen at a particular time, you can create a dispatch timer.

let timer = DispatchSource.makeTimerSource()
timer.scheduleRepeating(deadline: .now(), interval: .seconds(60))

timer.setEventHandler(handler: {
	//fired every minute


The only thing of note here is that, like on the client, this timer won’t retain itself, so you have to store it somewhere. Because it’s pretty easy to build your own behaviors on top of something like a Dispatch timer, I think we won’t see job libraries, like Rails’s ActiveJob, have quite the uptake in Swift that they have had in other environments. Nevertheless, I think it’s worth linking to the job/worker queue libraries I’ve found on GitHub:

Dispatch is a useful library with tons of awesome behaviors that can be built with its lower-level primitives. When setting out, I wasn’t sure how it would work in a Linux/server environment, and I’m pleased to report that working with it on the server is about as straightforward as you would want it to be. It’s a real delight to use, and it makes writing server applications that much easier.