“Telling a programmer there’s already a library to do X is like telling a songwriter there’s already a song about love.” - Pete Cordell

Sometimes, it feels like questions that arise during my time programming take years to answer. In particular, my journey to a web framework that I vibe with has been a long one.

A few years ago, I wrote about trying to squeeze the behavior I want out of Vapor. I (rather poorly) named the concept Commands, and I wrote a blog post about the pattern.

Generally speaking, this style of routing, where you use a closure for each route, has been used in frameworks like Flask, Sinatra, and Express. It makes for a pretty great demo, but a project in practice often has complicated endpoints, and putting everything in one big function doesn’t scale.

Going even further, the Rails style of having a giant controller which serves as a namespace for vaguely related methods for each endpoint is borderline offensive. I think we can do better than both of these. (If you want to dig into Ruby server architecture, I’ve taken a few ideas from the Trailblazer project.)

Here’s what the Command protocol basically looked like:

protocol Command {
    init(request: Request, droplet: Droplet) throws
    var status: Status { get }
    func execute() throws -> JSON

(This is Vapor 2 code, so I think the above code won’t compile with modern versions of Vapor. RIP to “droplets”.)

The Command protocol represented an instance of something that responds to a request. There was a lot I liked about the Command pattern. It was one object per request, meaning each object had strong sense of self, and the code was always nicely structured and easy for me to read.

However, it had some downsides. First, it was tacked on to Vapor. There was a fair bit of code to ensure that things stayed compatible with Vapor, and when they released an update, I was obliged to migrate all my stuff over as well.

In addition, the initializers for Commands always had a ton of work in them:

public init(request: Request, droplet: Droplet) throws {
    self.apnsToken = try request.niceJSON.fetch("apnsToken")
    self.user = try request.session.ensureUser()

Anything you needed to extract out of the Request had to be done here, so there was always a lot of configuration and set up code here. For complex requests, this gets huge. Another subtle thing — because it relies on Swift’s error handling, it can only ever report one error.

This initialization code looks to me like it could get simpler still, and with a little configuration, you could get the exact results you wanted, good errors if something went wrong, and a hefty dose of optimization that I could sprinkle in by controlling the whole stack.


Enter Meridian.

struct TodoDraft: Codable {
    let name: String
    let priority: Priority

struct CreateTodo: Responder {

    @JSONBody var draft: TodoDraft

    @EnvironmentObject var database: Database
    @Auth var auth

    func execute() throws -> Response {

        try database.addTodo(draft)

        return try JSON(database.getTodos())

Server(errorRenderer: JSONErrorRenderer())
    .register {
.environmentObject(try Database())

Property Wrappers

Meridian uses property wrappers to grab useful components from the request so that you can work them into your code without having to specify how to get them. You declare that you want a @JSONBody and give it a type, it handles the rest:

@JSONBody var draft: TodoDraft

Because the value is a non-optional, when your execute() function is called, you’re guaranteed to have your draft. If something is wrong with the JSON payload, your execute() function won’t be called (because it can’t be called). You deal in the exact values you want, and nothing else.

You want a single value from the JSON instead, because making a new Codable type to get a single value is annoying? Bam:

@JSONValue("title") var title: String

You can make the type of title be optional, and then the request won’t fail if the value is missing (but will fail if the value is the wrong type).

URL parameters: very important. Sprinkle in some type safety, and why don’t we make them named (instead of positional) for good measure?

@URLParameter(\.id) var id

Query parameters, including codable support for non-string types:

@QueryParameter("client-hours") var clientHours: Double?

A rich environment, just like SwiftUI, so you can create one database and share it among many responders.

@EnvironmentObject var database: Database

You can use EnvironmentValues for value types or storing multiple objects of the same type.

@Environment(\.shortDateFormatter) var shortDateFormatter

The cherry on top? You can define your own custom property wrappers that can be used just like the first-class ones. I’ve primarily been using this for authentication:

@Auth var auth

You can define them in your app’s module, and use it anywhere in your app, just like a first class property wrapper.

All of these property wrappers seek to have great errors, so users of your API or app will always know what to do to make things work when they fail.

It’s a real joy to simply declare something at the top of your responder, and then use it as though it were a regular value. Even though I wrote the code, and I know exactly how much complexity goes into extracting one of these values, there’s still a magical feeling when I write @QueryParameter("sortOrder") var sortOrder: SortOrder and that value is available for me to use with no extra work from me.

Outgoing Responses

Property wrappers represent information coming in to the request. However, the other side of Meridian is what happens to data on the way out.

For this, Meridian has Responses:

public protocol Response {
    func body() throws -> Data

Responses know how to encode themselves, so JSON takes a codable object and returns JSON data. All the user does is return JSON(todos) in their execute() function, and the data is encoded and relevant headers are attached.

EmptyResponse, Redirect, and StringResponse are all pretty straightforward. It’s also not too hard to add your own Response. In one project, I needed to serve static files, so I added a File response type.

struct File: Response {
    let url: URL
    func body() throws -> Data {
        try Data(contentsOf: url)

This might get more advanced in the future (maybe we could stream the file’s data, let’s say), but this gets the job done.

Responses are a type-aware way of packaging up useful common behavior for data coming out of a request.

Where things are headed

Meridian is nowhere close to done. I’ve written three different JSON APIs with it and a rich web app (using Rob Böhnke’s Swim package to render HTML). The basic concepts are working really well for me, but there’s quite a few things it doesn’t do yet.

  • Parsing multipart input

  • Serving static files

  • Side effects (like the aforelinked Commands)

  • Localization

  • HTML nodes that can access the environment

  • Middleware?

Meridian also knows so much about the way your requests are defined that it should be able to generate an OpenAPI/Swagger spec just from your code, which would be an amazing feature to add.

Meridian is currently synchronous only. The options for async Swift on the server are not great at the moment (because you either end up exposing NIO details or rewriting everything yourself). I’d rather have the migration to async code be as simple as putting await in front of everything, instead of changing all of your code from a block-based callback model to a flat async/await model. I’m focused more on developer experience than sheer request throughput.

I also have a lot of docs to write. I also wrote some docs.